Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My first post about being single.

I was married now been single for about 2 years, my ex have move on along with my two kids, and now here I'm single debating again if to get a life partner, I go out and enjoy the company and pleasures that women give me, but at the end of the day for some reason there is a emptiness in my life. I would've found someone already but what stops me is fear, fear to go through the drama, fear that I'm not going to provide for my mate's feeling needs (My work is my second wife and I need to provide a lot of attention to my second wife, hours and hours of work)  fear not to have enough time to spend with her, fear that again this will be a breaking point in our new relationship, I'm a real ambitious hardworking person and I actually love putting in hours and hours of work, whatever it takes to get the job done, and this was a deal breaker in  my past relationship, so I ask: I don't know if you saw Up in the Air with George Clooney, am I going to end up like that? not buying a house just hopping from apartment to apartment.
I enjoy the casual nature of the single life but miss the feeling of sharing your life with someone.
I get home my apartment is quiet, I feel so alone, no one to share a dinner with, or a movie. But then again I can just take off to 24 hrs fitness or a bar without anyone saying anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm still not out of the married mod, like I'm still not used to  the single life I guess, I'm 39 years old, and not worried about dying  alone I'm kind of not sure about living alone.

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